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With Sprint, all your communication needs are met. Service is affordable and easy to use because it works the same way across the largest all-digital all-PCS nationwide network with advanced multimedia services, reaching more than 230 million people. And now, Sprint delivers clarity you can see and hear - thanks to PCS Vision, Sprint's most exciting wireless service yet.

You've never experienced wireless like PCS Vision. With this revolutionary group of services, you can see everything in living color, thanks to PCS Full-Color Screens and the enhanced Sprint Nationwide PCS Network. Take and send digital pictures. Play exciting games with sophisticated graphics. Check sports scores, news and weather on full-color Web sites. Even send and receive email in a format that will remind you of your computer screen.

Sprint's enhanced Nationwide PCS Network offers you more services in more places than any other wireless carrier. That's because only Sprint built the largest all-digital, all-PCS nationwide network with advanced multimedia services reaching more than 230 million people for clarity you can see and hear.

Sprint's network covers 99% of the nation's largest cities, all major airports and more people than any other digital network - providing services where you live, work and travel.

Call or CONTACT a CC Corp. sales representative to determine what service and plan are right for you.

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